Motivational speakers are so much more than people who have inspiring stories to share. Especially when you are dealing with building employee engagement for your Denver team, you want the kind of speaker who can inspire immediately, as well as make a lasting impression on each person in your company, and this requires having the right content with the right delivery. At Transformation Point, we work with you personally to understand your company’s unique needs and struggles, so we can choose the right topic, or custom tailor a topic, specifically for your company’s culture.

Signs of a Good Motivational Speaker

While the topic is simple and straightforward to choose, making sure your motivational speaker will make an impression can be a far more difficult task. These are just a few of the things you need to look for when hiring a motivational speaker:


You have probably noticed actors, singers, or speakers on television or in person who are not self-aware. They will generally develop a habit to cope with the stress of speaking, and do it over and over again until that habit is all you see or hear. Speakers who are self-aware will immediately recognize if they are forming patterned behaviors such as saying “um” or licking their lips, and stop immediately so as not to become a distraction to their audience. A great motivational speaker will give a speech distraction free so the listeners are fully immersed in what he or she is saying.


A good motivational speaker will address the needs of his or her audience, delivering content that is relevant to their lives. When you meet with your speaker before the event, they should ask you directed questions about your company, the problems you are facing, and the goals you want to reach by holding this event. If they are only concerned about what they are saying, they aren’t going to address your needs or inspire your unique audience.

qualities of good motivational speakerEngaging

Even with all of the right content and approach, a speaker will never reach his or her audience without being engaging and providing a fresh perspective on the content he or she is presenting. Your speaker needs to be unique, memorable, funny, inspiring, spontaneous, and organized, otherwise, you might as well have done a presentation in a company-wide meeting.

When it comes to motivational speaking, you want someone who can engage your employees, inspire your team, and present solutions to real problems that your company is facing as a whole. To do this, your speaker needs to be engaging, empathetic, and self-aware, but they also must be balanced, fearless, and truly authentic. Learn more about these three qualities in our next blog, and contact Transformation Point today to learn more about why our motivational speaker is Denver’s first choice.

Whether you are looking to host an event with a motivational keynote speaker, or you need employee training and development services, Transformation Point has the resources, experience, and talent to get your company where it needs to go. Make your appointment with a qualified member of our team today!